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Why Implants Are The Best Method Of Tooth Replacement

Best Dental Implants in Whitefield | Sunshine Dental

Best Dental Implants in Whitefield | Sunshine Dental
Dental implant
For a dentist the most preferred method to replace a missing teeth is Dental Implant. They not only replace a missing tooth but also form a stable foundation that function like a natural teeth.
Root form implants, is the most common dental implants. They are similar to teeth in that they mimic the shape of the roots of teeth. They can be used to support individual teeth or to help anchor removable dentures. The implant are surgically placed inside the gum, Usually a local anesthetic (freezing) and oral sedation is used for surgery. Based on the location and the health of the bone the healing periods varies. Usually it is 6 week or some special case it may be 4 month
Titanium is the material generally used for implant and one of the most important properties if Titanium is it does nor decays.
An implant usually stimulates bone growth and thus, prevents future bone loss. Bone that disappears once a tooth is removed will solely get replaced with a bone graft. It is why Dr. Sai Keerthi Sundar has trained to do immediate placement of the implant fixture after a traumatic extraction of an unsalvageable tooth.

Let’s understand what are the advantages of choosing dental implants?

Advantages of Choosing Dental Implants | Best Dental Implants in Whitefield | Sunshine Dental
    • Maintain Anatomy: If you’ve got missing teeth, the bone begins to shrink over time. Unhealthy bone loss will build your jaw line recede and alter your facial structure. The most advantages of Dental Implant is it help to prevent deterioration of Jawbone and hence our face retains its natural shape
    • Keep your healthy teeth: When a dentist wants to replace a decay tooth the most common method was Dental Bridge where we need to do some alteration for adjutant healthy tooth in order to build the bridge. Dental implant is more successful as in this procedure the natural healthy teeth are not compromised.
    • Security: Dental implant is more safe as it does not move or slip. Some of the key problems of Dental dentures are improper fitting, irritation in gum and pain as it is exposed to gum. This all problems are not there in dental Implants as a result it gives more comforts, reliability and freedom from embarrassment.

    Advantages of Dental Implants Over Dentures or a Fixed Bridge

    Advantages of Dental Implants Over Dentures Or a Fixed Bridge | Best Dental Implants in Whitefield | Sunshine Dental
    • Aesthetic –It’s give a feeling like it’s our own natural teeth. The biggest disadvantage with bridgework and dentures bone loss and gum recession which is totally eliminate in Dental implant. No one can ever recognize that you just have a replacement tooth.
    • Tooth-saving – In Bridge work usually the adjustable healthy tool is altered as to take the support for the Bridge work. In this process there is a loss of healthy tooth. In dental implant the neighboring teeth are not altered as no support is required for the implant
    • Confidence – Dental implants can enable you to yet again speak and eat with comfort and confidence, they’re secure and gives freedom from the dull clicks and wobbles of dentures. They will enable you to mention good day to worries concerning misplaced dentures and untidy pastes and glues.
    • Reliable – The most reliable options for tooth replacement is Dental implants. Dental implant has a high success rate

    How will I benefit from dental implants?

    Benefits from Dental Implants include atheistic look, more ability to chew the food. The natural adjutant tool is not disturber. In short Dental Implant is the best substitute for the missing teeth and it function like your real teeth.

    by Dr. Sai Keerthi Sundar

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