#Shorts - Kid's Dental Health | Best Pediatric Dentist in Whitefield | Sunshine Dental

#Shorts - Best Pediatric Dentist in Whitefield, Bangalore | Sunshine Dental provide excellent dental healthcare for children as well as educate children and parents on how to look after the teeth. A regular toothbrush can lead to decay. Any soft-bristled toothbrush, designed specifically for infants should be used at least once a day. Our Dentist says, Parents should supervise their children brushing their teeth till age 7-8 years.

Ph No. 080 42152929 Website: http://sunshinedental.co.in/ And also follow: Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/SunshineDentalWhitefield Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sunshinedentalwhitefield/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunshinedental2 #KidsDentalHealth #pediatricdentistry #pediatricdentist #pediatricdentalclinic #dentalfacts #oralhygiene #oralhygienetips #SunshineDental #SunshineDentalwhitefield #drsaikeerthisundar #dentist #orthodontist #dental #dentalclinic #dentaltreatment #dentalcare #oralhealth #whitefiled #bangalore


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